Indie Developers Showcase, Day 7: Zatikon

Welcome to Day Seven of The Escapist's Indie Developer Showcase, a 10-day celebration of the designers and programmers who have struck taboo along their personal to stimulate the games they want to make. For each one day we'll boast a new game or demo by an up-and-coming indie developer along with a legal brief question. Several games are already commercially available, some are works in build up, but all are free to fiddle. To insure who's along the schedule or check out what you've missed, chatter here. Love!


Gabe Jones is Chronic System of logic, developer of the strategic board game Zatikon. Afterwards his foremost taste of gaming happening his elder brother's Atari 2600, Jones knew he wanted to stool games. During the 1990s he discovered MUDs, made his own, and has been making online games ever since.

On Zatikon:

Click screenshot to download game.

Click screenshot to download game.

"Zatikon is the board game I always craved to play. The diversity and customization of collectable lineup games merges with the deep tactics of a strategic board game. It's played connected a plain checker board, but your United States Army is chosen from a large survival of illusion RPG characters with very distinct special abilities that run along way beyond simple numeric statistics. The goal is spatula-shaped: to move one of your units on your foeman's castle square. Merely your enemy has the same destination, and the action occurs as the 2 armies slaughter from each one other along the way."

Along the hardest part with of alone game development:

"The most difficult part is staying motivated. Programing a brave past yourself is a lot of fun, for well-nig two weeks. Then it becomes exploit, but the forgiving you're not necessarily being remunerative to do. Burnout wish needs rig in, and you must wage an intragroup war to keep taking each tiny step forward.

"Simply you can aim anywhere if you just keep taking steps elongate decent, and the reward of eyesight people enjoy your game is worth completely the hardship."

On whether he would ilk to gain the scale of his games:

"With child budget games often dilute those secret, elusive qualities that produce galvanising gameplay with an abundance of features and content. They're superior as an immersive storytelling medium, but dynamics excite me and small games express them so purely."

"There's only such clip I can invest in a day. If the Game Developer Fairy granted me my wish, I'd Be functioning with a team of four, qualification games with 2-3 man years of labor."

Connected the games he played most in 2008:

"Squad Fortress 2 and Warcraft 3: Defence of the Ancients conspired to steal more than their collectable share of my time. TF2 is elegant, polished and way also much fun. But DoTA silence manages to be the to the highest degree satisfying room to pwn some noobs and rejoice in my sad, slimy triumph."

Connected what inspires him outside of gaming:

"I'm a nerd to the core, and harbour a rich love of science and history. Games are just an outlet for my underlying captivation with systems."


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